
  • Expert Writer-Translator

    As a translator and writer, I am as adept at writing and researching my own papers and articles as I am in translating for my academic clientele.

    For example, I have had material published in areas as diverse as "The Development of the Satirical Periphrasis from Homer to Juvenal" (Cambridge University) and "Sudden Death: A Corporate Response To Grief" (London University).

    By contrast, my latest academic commissions have focused on the world of international accountancy and a new CO2 sampling line for capnometry!

    And my clients? Universities, research institutes, academic journals, conference organisers - all of these called on my services in 2015, including HEC Paris, Toulouse Business School and the University of Geneva.


  • Publication-quality translations

    Rare is the translator who is also a professional writer and researcher - and who has degrees from three British universities (including a Cambridge PhD) in disciplines as diverse as psychoanalysis, linguistics and literature.

    Academic books, articles,
    research papers and dissertations

    My areas of academic expertise embrace not only the subjects listed above but also history, archaeology, psychology, political science and economics.

    In the last few months of 2015, I translated academic papers on (inter alia):

    "Self-Initiated Expatriation and Migration in the Management Literature"
    "The Solution Revolution" (Harvard University Press)
    "Industrial Megaprojects: Concepts, Strategies and Practices"
    "Extreme Trust: Honesty as a Competitive Advantage"

    A current work in progress is "The History of Fouta Djallon and the Theocratic State".

    You can see some examples of our own academic and journalistic writing on the site hosted by Culturissima.

    Incidentally, if I do not have the required expertise to tackle your academic translation, the chances are that I will know someone who has - in which case I will gladly put you in touch with him or her!
